
    label_format='{n}: {q}',

Draws lines onto the given matplotlib Axes to show the given selections. This is a variant of the method line() that gives you more control over the rendering of a plot by letting you do most of the work with matplotlib’s API.


ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes

the plot axes on which to draw lines

geo: GeoSelection | GeoAggregation

the geographic selection to make on the output data

time: TimeSelection | TimeAggregation

the time selection to make on the output data

quantity: QuantitySelection | QuantityAggregation

the quantity selection to make on the output data

label_format: str = “{n}: {q}”

a format for the items displayed in the legend; the string will be used in a call to format() with the replacement variables {n} for the name of the geo node and {q} for the name of the quantity

line_kwargs: list[dict] = None

a list of keyword arguments to be passed to the matplotlib function that draws each line. If the list contains less items than there are lines, we will cycle through the list as many times as needed. Lines are drawn in the order defined by the ordering parameter. See matplotlib documentation for the supported options.

ordering: "location", "quantity = “location”

controls the order in which lines will be drawn; both location and quantity are used to sort the resulting rows, this just decides which gets priority

time_format: (auto, date, day) = “auto”

controls the formatting of the time axis (the horizontal axis); “auto” will use the format defined by the grouping of the time parameter, “date” attempts to display calendar dates, “day” attempts to display days numerically indexed from the start of the simulation with the first day being 0. If the system cannot convert to the requested time format, this argument may be ignored.

transform: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame] = None

allows you to specify an arbitrary transform function for the source dataframe before we plot it, e.g., to rescale the values. The function will be called once per geo/quantity group – one per line, essentially – with a dataframe that contains just the data for that group. The dataframe given as the argument is the result of applying all selections and the projection if specified. You should return a dataframe with the same format, where the values of the data column have been modified for your purposes.

Dataframe columns: - “time”: the time series column - “geo”: the node ID (same value per group) - “quantity”: the label of the quantity (same value per group) - “value”: the data column



the Line2D object for each line drawn; you can use this to have finer control over the presentation of the lines