
tools.out_map.MapRenderer(self, output)

Provides methods for rendering an output in choropleth map form.


Most commonly, you will use MapRenderer starting from a simulation output object that supports it:

out = BasicSimulation(rume).run()


Name Description
choropleth Renders a choropleth map using GeoPandas and matplotlib showing the given selections.
choropleth_plt Draws a choropleth map onto the given matplotlib Axes showing the given selections. This is a variant of the method choropleth() that gives you more control over the rendering of a plot by letting you do most of the work with matplotlib’s API. See that method for conditions that must be met to use this method effectively.
geography Calculate the GeoDataFrame for the given geo axis strategy, without merging any simulation data.
geography_data Calculate the GeoDataFrame used for drawing maps merged with the output data from the given axis strategies.