
compartment_model.QuantityStrategy(self, ipm, selection, grouping, aggregation)

A strategy for dealing with the quantity axis, e.g., in processing results. Quantities here are an IPM’s compartments and events. Strategies can include selection of a subset, grouping, and aggregation.

Typically you will create one of these by calling methods on a QuantitySelector instance.

QuantityStrategy is a frozen dataclass.


ipm: BaseCompartmentModel

The original IPM quantity information.

selection: NDArray[np.bool_]

A boolean mask for selection of a subset of quantities.

grouping: QuantityGrouping | None

A method for grouping IPM quantities.

aggregation: QuantityAggMethod | None

A method for aggregating the quantity groups.


ipm: BaseCompartmentModel

The original IPM quantity information.

selection: NDArray[np.bool_]

A boolean mask for selection of a subset of quantities.

grouping: QuantityGrouping | None

A method for grouping IPM quantities.

aggregation: QuantityAggMethod | None

A method for aggregating the quantity groups.

selected: Sequence[Quantity]

The quantities from the IPM which are selected, prior to any grouping.

quantities: Sequence[Quantity]

The quantities in the result. If the strategy performs grouping these may be pseudo-quantities made by combining the quantities in the group.

labels: Sequence[str]

Labels for the quantities in the result, after any grouping.